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Hanging Gardens

Classic adventure. Help B find his way through the Hanging Gardens to the top.

Hanging Gardens
Tui, Jan 12, 2025
    • Tui
      Hope you enjoy no specific tricks I can remember.
    • Rating:
      That was fun exploring and finding all the correct preparations for the balls. Took me a while to spot what the mechanism had altered at the finish!
      Low ceiling effect was used once.
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Relies a bit much on hidden, but most retries were because I failed to see required balls later. The design is great, inspired by The Hanging Gardens I suppose. The path all over the building and the ending are nice.
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
      I love this kind of exploring/adventure levels.... really fun this one, by the way... thanks @Tui ;) cool design too :cool:
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Beautiful stylized design and interesting gameplay. :thumbsup:
      But there is still a trick - a low ceiling and a slider freeze (and "squeeze", the forum has not yet decided whether this is a trick or not, but I indicate it in my descriptions). Everything else is an excellent logical level. The mechanism is cool, but it did not want to work for me. I did not want to repeat everything from the beginning and therefore showed patience and after a few minutes it finally worked:confused::rotf:
      Thank you, from me 5.;)
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      That was pretty good!

      • Could have controlled the noise.
      • Top Ball, which rolls on the Rail went off before hitting it. It moved due to nearby-Slider effect.
      Overall was enjoying adventure!
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