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Anomynous, Dec 3, 2021
MomoKeego, moonbug, Sammy 5 and 6 others like this.
    • Anomynous
      This theme of this level is inspired from Deep Well by one of the finest creator @richardfu_ ❤️
    • Anomynous
      moonbug likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - I'm having troubles with the game play as the balls that fall in the center don't respond the same each time.
      1st time - the two balls lowered
      2nd time - the two balls didn't lower, B got across without any hurry, B came back etc
      3rd time - the two balls disappeared and the third did too
      Too bad it's hidden as I don't know if I need to move something or I did move something and that changes the balls :unsure:

      EDIT - After more restarts - I think I got the game play. I went with what happens the most - not a great way to work thru a level.
    • Rating:
      I thought i had won by a shortcut but on looking at the video i find i had the designed solution. The release of the second ball made it look as if B should have been able to follow the ball but never seemed to get there fast enough. The move used in the video made me feel uncomfortable. But overall it was a fun level.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I'll go full stars but I didn't have a lot of FUN. I did need the video as I wasn't seeing how to get B past the tower to go up to due the SBS. I tried so many things that I just gave up and looked. The biggest problem with this level was the square block where the balls fall. I didn't know if I needed to be ready for the auto pilot or not. On my first attempt at getting on the win. The balls had not fallen so you guessed it B didn't land on the win as P was moving. Is that my fault? Maybe but that too could have been avoided. I know you were assuming the balls would have rolled away like in your video but on my device they stayed more than rolled away. Good at the start (no auto pilot) and one ball isn't needed but not so good to step on the win.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Super level! I really like! Thanks!!:thumbsup:;)
    • Denis Nazin
      After the victory, I decided to watch your video - I went exactly the same way, except for a small difference - at first, instead of a low ceiling, I used an autopilot. Otherwise, I went the same way. There is a small problem with the balls (sometimes they roll in the wrong direction), but the level is so good that it is negligible.;):thumbsup:

      Thanks for the link to your favorite author @richardfu _ !!! I've already played a few levels. This one is VERY original! : http://mekoramaforum.com/media/asleep.6302/

      @Meko Guy wanted to tell you my subjective opinion. This level with a long difficult logic and tricks, BUT it is much easier and clearer (for me) than your last level without tricks but with complex movement techniques!:rotf:;)
    • Meko Guy
      @Denis Nazin - Complex comes in many forms. Some times our mind plays tricks and that can cause one not to see what is right there in front of them. I'm bad for that.
    • Rating:
      Yep,as usual I had A LOT OF FUN :D Keep it up bro :rolleyes: thanks for sharing @Anomynous ;)
    • Anomynous
      Sooo many reviews under the night:eek::oops:

      Which move???:rolleyes: Glad u had fun with this :)

      @Meko Guy
      Happy that you find the intended way. About the rolling effect... Maybe Mobile To Pc issue:p. If i knew about that square block problem I'll definitely do something about that butttt:oops: I appreciate that u still played and give review and ratings ;)

      @Denis Nazin
      Which balll? Cz there is only one way to escape balls under the well......
      I also played Asleep... Someone suggested me for my B Kill series :D
      I played nearly all levels of him.... When i started to play mekorama he was like My idol... Till now... He's still my idol ;)
      The lucky moment for me was when i made a level for him and he replied and played and rated .... It was like the dream comes true moment for me....
      Here's that level... ⬇️

      Thanks alooott bro for your always fun, supportive and nice reviews ✨

      Thanks all for P, C &R✨✨✨✨
    • Denis Nazin
      Here is the answer to your question about balls:

      The first ball at the beginning is not critical at all. On the second try I did a clever thing: so that the ball no longer had the opportunity to roll past the hole.

      And the second ball - it was a little offensive, because it is almost at the end). I also figured out how to avoid this - you need to make a stop in front of the ball. But a restart was required.
      But, I want to say again: the level is SUPER! I like all the moves!.. Very much!:thumbsup:

      And one more interesting thing:
      At first I did not understand why a rotating palm tree is needed. BUT, then I realized - this is for the convenience of the players. If your SBS fails (If B did not jump to the second ladder and stayed in the middle), you can try again by rotating. This is a very good care for the players :thumbsup: !!! I appreciate it very much. thanks;)
    • Anomynous
      @Denis Nazin
      Ahhhh:eek: This didn't happen to me.. I tested the level more than 5 times.... And yes... I made that rotating tree bcz of If SBS fails......
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Interesting and intuitive, plus a very pleasing aesthetic playground. The big question is where do all the balls go ! Lol;)
    • Anomynous
      @Sammy 5 :D:p Maybe the well is hungry:rotf:
      Sammy 5 likes this.
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