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one of the friend will help other one to reach your goal.

PvB, Dec 31, 2016
    • Rating:
      Great pure logic level, thanks!
      Does designed solution use 100% of draggables? I didn't use all of them...
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      @Pankaj - Great logic level. Thanks
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    • gmacpro
      @chemi - Must be red herrings as I didn't either.
      PvB likes this.
    • PvB
      @chemi thanks for suggestion.there is no 100% use of dragables there are only 35% dragables are in use.
    • Rating:
      Jose Luis Galiano
      Great level of logic and skill. Good looks and nice color balance. Fun game, although it is not easy to guide the bots.
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very nice colaboration-logic level:)
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    • Rating:
      Lianne Malone
      Friends don't let Friends turn left....wonderful logic level, beautiful design and perfect amount of challenge....plus recovery was possible when a mistake was made so no restart was necessary. That is, of course, if you can tell the difference between right and left; which is apparently a challenge for me occasionally.
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    • Lianne Malone
      @PvB Many, many years ago, when I was in my twenties, there was an advertising campaign in the United States that advocated having a designated driver ( someone who wasn't drinking) when a group of friends went out partying for the evening. The slogan for the campaign was "Friends don't let Friends drive drunk" and that popped into my head and stayed there as I was trying to get the Bots to go against their natural behavior. Explains my comment above.
      PvB likes this.
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