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Floating Island

Remember red is the new blue......

Floating Island
Pds, Aug 25, 2018
Playtime and chemi like this.
    • Pds
      Tips: Please keep the brightness full.....
      Remember red is the new blue......
      Red can't win alone you need B as well.
      A bit tricky level......:thumbsup:
    • Pds
      Hope you enjoy:D:cool::thumbsup::rolleyes:
    • Źàiď
      red is the new blue....
      What's it mean?:rolleyes:o_O
    • gmacpro
      Too hidden for me. I see the red bricks but it doesn't do anything?
      Pds likes this.
    • Rating:
      You said a bit tricky but it was more like a bit hidden as there were no tricks required? I used Mekostudio to have a peek and then completed the original level. It appeared you had some red herring as the game play was very short.
      Get B up, drop the high ball, mount P and win.
      Pds likes this.
    • Block builder
      Hidden timing? o_O And then 60% useless, 40% easy steps. The level looked good so I was hoping more from the gameplay.
    • Pds
      @Block builder no need for hidden timing. Actually it's all based on autopilot........
    • Block builder
      @Pds but there's no draggable on ground level other than the one you need get to, which is untappable.
    • Pds
      @Block builder you just need to keep tapping on the red brick until it starts the auto pilot and B comes up. Then as soon as the ball starts to come down you need to tap on the grass next to entrance of B which is one level up........ Then you need to stop the auto pilot to get on the ball and then the part of R bot starts....
    • Rating:
      Finished but first step was too hidden and not intuitive. And I didn't use one of the top balls... strange level. o_O
      Thanks for sharing!
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