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Denis Nazin


No TRICKS, level for everyone. Follow the hints. Solve 4 easy codes and free B. Good luck friends

Denis Nazin, Jul 10, 2023
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS, level for everyone.
      Follow the hints.
      4 codes(easy) and free B.

      Good luck friends!
      Time - 3:28
      IMPORTANT!!! The top of the level is the way for B!!! He has no hints! You get the next clue after you solve the code!!!

      In addition to mekorama, I really like logic games like "exit", "escape", "rooms" .... similar to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryohei.haruki.Exit
      I tried adapting this a bit for mekorama.

      Here are the answers:
    • ridgerunner
      I never find code levels “easy” but managed this one which looked nice expanded.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      At first, I was like o_O. Then :unsure:. Then :confused:. Then :sneaky:. Then :rolleyes:. Then ;). Then B got walking and I was impatient. :D Then I had to restart. :oops: Overall a cool level :cool:, with reveales that make you go :eek:. Thanks! :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Thank you very VERY much my friend :D:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

      When I came up with the idea:sneaky: - I started building and realized that it is very difficult to build on the same level, so that the code mechanisms and hint mechanisms do not interfere with each other:confused::confused:.
      Thanks for appreciating my work. It was really hard to build! Thank you;):thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner I meant that there are 4 codes here and they are much easier than in similar levels with 1 code. I think I made the hints very simple and accessible. But all hints must be received sequentially (one after the other). I took a photo of the answers in the first comment.;)
    • Rating:
    • delator77
      @Denis Nazin Aaaarrggghhhhh, so angry
      cause I did not solve the level with myself & therefore can not rate it... now, In retrospect, I realize that I could have solved it cause one clue leads to another... but in my case, code number two was what prevented me from completing the level because I deduced the other three easily (and that the levels of codes are my Achilles heel in Mekorama, I really am very, very bad jajaja :rotf:) ... in fact, I did not understand yet code number two , do not know how to deduce:oops:... sorry my friend, can not rate due to my incompetence :(:rolleyes:;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @FXCX Thank you VERY MUCH :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Oh my friend, thank you very BIG for trying this level:thumbsup: (despite the fact that this is not your genre). Thank you, I am very grateful to you;). Sorry, maybe I did not make the second code very clearly. At the beginning, there was nothing on the top, and therefore the retractable wall with a hint for the second code was more visible. But I decided to add gameplay for B, so buildings appeared at the top.
      The essence of the second code:
      the tooltip has five columns of height : 2,1,3,2,3. On the adjacent side there are also five sliders - you need to push these sliders up in the same sequence: 2,1,3,2,3. These columns are put forward on the upper part of the level and the height is obtained - 2,1,3,2,3.
      It's okay, everything's fine my friend. I'm glad you played this level because it was very difficult to build:confused::rotf:. Thank you!!;):thumbsup:
    • delator77
      @Denis Nazin hey my friend, imagine how denial I am that I still don't know how to figure out code two :confused:... check this out...
      If you look, I used three colors to mark blocks that look the same... so I deduced that those marked with the same color had to be at the same height... but of course 2,1,3,2,3 weren't it adjusts to that and I don't understand where it can be deduced from... I'm sorry to bother you but I want to understand it:rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      is just a person who likes puzzles.
    • Rating:
      An unusual level but intriguing and fun to play. I can appreciate that this took time and effort to build. Complex shapes and structures buried within a level can be very difficult and frustrating to build, so very well done. I have replied separately to our mutual friend @delator77 regarding inability to rate because of resorting to the video solution. For my part I almost didn't need it but am, as always, eternally grateful you took the time and effort to include it. My hobby horse, professional presentation.
      I enjoyed the the level and, wickedly, enjoyed the fact I found a shortcut after so many in my levels have been exposed. I am teasing my talented friend.
      On the first leg of the triple slider sequence I accidentally dislodged B from the slider at the end of travel and took the win block prematurely.
      Your prodigious output and variety of content continue to astonish me. Thank you for sharing.

      Необычный уровень, но интригующий и увлекательный. Я понимаю, что на это ушло время и усилия. Сложные формы и структуры, спрятанные внутри уровня, могут быть очень сложными и разочаровывающими в построении, так что очень хорошо сделано. Я отдельно ответил нашему общему другу @delator77 по поводу невозможности поставить оценку из-за использования видеорешения. Со своей стороны, я почти не нуждался в этом, но, как всегда, бесконечно благодарен, что вы нашли время и силы, чтобы включить его. Моя конюшня, профессиональная презентация. Мне понравился уровень и, черт возьми, понравился тот факт, что я нашел кратчайший путь после того, как многие мои уровни были раскрыты. Я дразню своего талантливого друга. На первом этапе последовательности тройного ползунка я случайно сместил B с ползунка в конце пути и преждевременно взял выигрышный блок. Ваши потрясающие результаты и разнообразие контента продолжают меня удивлять. Спасибо, что поделились.
    • MekoMole
      Given your status as a Super Mekorama player I can understand your frustration at resorting to @Denis Nazin's video solution. For my part, indifferent player, I have no qualms about doing so, but as a designer I am always curious about levels, especially those I fail to play. Personally I don't think resorting to a video solution precludes rating the level and that you are being too severe on yourself.
      As a designer I would be a liar to say I don't care about ratings but I honestly believe feedback text is more important and meaningful. You always take time and trouble to do so. Stay loose my friend and enjoy your Mekorama.

      Super Mekorama jokalari gisa duzun egoera ikusita, @Denis Nazin-en bideo irtenbidera jotzeak zure frustrazioa uler dezaket. Nire aldetik, jokalari axolagabea, ez dut hori egiteko erreparorik, baina diseinatzaile naizen aldetik beti izaten dut jakin-mina mailen inguruan, batez ere jokatzen ez ditudanak. Pertsonalki, ez dut uste bideo-irtenbide batera jotzeak maila baloratzea eragozten duenik eta zure buruarekin zorrotzegi ari zarenik. Diseinatzaile gisa gezurra izango nintzateke balorazioak ez zaizkidala axola esatea, baina zintzotasunez uste dut iritzien testua garrantzitsua eta esanguratsuagoa dela. Beti hartzen duzu denbora eta arazoak horretarako. Egon askatu nire laguna eta gozatu zure Mekorama.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Oh, now I understand you well! I understand that you are confused with the correct understanding. You, unfortunately, have greatly complicated this simple code. The top part of the level - has nothing to do with the code!!! What you showed in the photo is a maze for B! Everything on the top cover of the level (not counting the retractable elements) is for a labyrinth for a running bot and has nothing to do with the code !!! And the code is very simple, you can see the spoiler in the first comment - this is the height of the columns !! The pictures next to the columns are not related to the code.

      I'm really sorry!:unsure: I'm sorry, I feel guilty. The first version of the level was without the upper gameplay for B. There was a clean cover. When bot B spawned, he just took the win block. I thought it would be more interesting if I added gameplay for B. I should have left the first option with a clean roof. Then these labyrinths did not bring down anyone. I was very afraid that the upper labyrinth would attract attention - it's a pity that this happened to you. Sorry. Only retractable walls are relevant to the code.

      Consistency is very important! When you have solved the first code with multi-colored blocks, then a wall with a hint for the second code is pulled out. When you have guessed the second code, the wall for the third code is put forward. and so on.
      Therefore, when you guess the first code, you click on "start" next to the code (as shown in the spoiler). And then a wall pops up with a hint for the next code. The correct sequence is very important.
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