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Estafette 2: Estafette'd

The sequel! Our buddies are trapped on a mountain Island. Only teamwork can safe them. So pass the ball to pass the level.

Estafette 2: Estafette'd
Jorbaa, Dec 29, 2016
chemi and Chuckthulhu like this.
    • Jorbaa
      I had to alter the picture in order for the QR code to be readable. But the checkmark is real! Sorry that the photo had to be edited, but at least it scans perfect now. Hope you will enjoy the level!
    • Rating:
      Amazing level with right combination of ability and logic. I found really tricky to decide which R for which ball... ;) Thanks!
      Jorbaa likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      The puzzle is nicely crafted. The level was lengthy and slow, especially a second time should you get zapped.
      Jorbaa likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wowwwww,one of the most clever logic level I have ever played:sneaky:!!!Soooo funny and not easy to "complete" the puzzle!!! heyyy @Jorbaa THANKS for this GREAT "HEADACHE":p
      Jorbaa likes this.
    • Jorbaa
      @delator77 haha you're welcome. And thanks for all the comments!
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    Dec 29, 2016
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