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Release the R bot and the escape!

Pds, Dec 24, 2017
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Pds
      @gmacpro please try this version hope you enjoy this time
    • gmacpro
      @Pds - I've just downloaded the card so we'll see. ....
    • gmacpro
      Wow - not much better :( I gave it 10 tries -
      1- Ball fell but B got confused and ran into the water while under the lift
      2- Ball got stuck on the fence
      3- Ball got stuck on the fence
      4- Ball fell but R came out where B hits the ball
      5- Ball fell, B dropped the other ball and got back to the pillar but R was gone
      6- Ball fell in with R
      7- Ball fell in with R
      8- Ball fell okay, B moved quickly and so B wouldn't miss R, used the sliding zapper to push R into the 4 zappers and go around again and R got stuck
      9- Ball fell in with R
      10- Ball fell okay, B got the top ball and after 5 zapper slides to hold R back, R got away.:cry:
      I did notice around attempt 5 that B could get to R faster by going around the outside and up the stairs, but 2 balls needed to fall
      Very unstable 1st ball, so I have to give up again.
    • Rating:
      Several nice touches make for an enjoyable level.
      Pds likes this.
    • Pds
      @gmacpro I thinking you are not using the components properly the ball never gets unstable the zapper draggable is used for just stopping the R bot and you should be going Firstly towards the ball on fence and then the ball on the tunnel and then into the tunnel Hope you understand and enjoy!
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    • gmacpro
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