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Sometimes you need to think a few steps ahead, and don't be afraid to repurpose useful tools.

trids, Dec 16, 2016
MomoKeego and chemi like this.
    • trids
      I was playing around with a few ideas, and they took over and formed a puzzle! It may not be pretty (pretty was not one of those ideas i was playing with), but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
    • Rating:
      Good one, it took me a while to figure this out
      but I have not used the second ball
    • cpw
      I solved it in the same way as @vince 's spoiler......:confused:
    • cpw
      Added to the solution @vince posted, I have also found that
      1. You could actually just use the protruding wall block to push B across the wedges.
      2. In the first section, you could actually (instead of using claustrophobia) use autopilot falling from the roof and skip the perpendicular staircase path altogether (though it doesn't always work).
    • trids
      @vince, @cpw - well done!
      the second ball is a red herring, to misdirect attention from using one ball twice
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      trids likes this.
    • trids
      @cpw - regarding your alternative solutions..
      1. That's innovative! I never thought of that - are you able to get B to the win using this strategy?
      2. The "perpendicular staircase".. Do you mean the horizontal one that runs along the far side of the" house"? I tried to defeat the autopilot there - so extra points if you managed to do it! :p
      cpw likes this.
    • cpw
      @trids The first one only brings B to where the ball moved to. You'll still have to solve it properly after that ;) As for the second one, I did it once but have trouble replicating it. :rolleyes:
      trids likes this.
    • trids
      Thanks for the great feedback and stars, folks - it's very encouraging!
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Really great level @trids, thanks!
      I didn't use the last ball and draggable. B arrived to the win using auto-pilot exploit.
    • trids
      Thanks @chemi, I think your shortcut is the intended solution...
      The last ball is a red herring, and autopilot is the final trick to the win.
      However, it does use the draggable in the elevator. So maybe your autopilot trick is not the same as what I have in mind? How does yours work without a draggable?
      I'm glad you enjoyed it!
      chemi likes this.
    • chemi
      I didn't explained correctly... for auto-pilot exploit I used both draggables (tap on horizontal one and lower the vertical one). What I tried to say is that I didn't used the ball and the horizontal draggable let's say in a logic way... and that was the reason of my question about a possible shortcut
      trids likes this.
    • trids
      @chemi - ah, i see what you mean now.
      So yes - your shortcut is indeed the intended solution...!
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I totally get what you mean by trying some stuff and ending up with a level. :)

      The level is a nice puzzle. The block-for-block movement due to low ceiling is new to me, great!
      trids likes this.
    • Rating:
      Finally finished this level using the approved method(i think). Used the alternative method to cross the wedges first few times as i couldnt get the block by block movement to work despite strongly suspecting it was possible and designed to be so. Love levels that even when completed , make one return to explore alternatives. Liked he way the final exploit was used to lose height rather the usual gain.
      trids likes this.
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    Puzzles by trids
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    Dec 16, 2016
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