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Ficus Root 2

Ficus Root 2
DDD, Jun 10, 2019
    • Meko Guy
      I'm stuck after the ball falls? Does B need to die and roll some place?
    • DDD
      @Meko GuyB not die, B must help R till the end
    • Meko Guy
      @DDD - Thanks for the reply but I can't do the BB well enough especially if there are zappers there. :(

      EDIT - I can see the rest of the game play but B needs to get to the surface?
    • DDD
      @Meko Guy sorry my mistake, i thought that Boogie bot trick but not Boogie bot
      Fast tap + cancel tap (the first step is little annoying because must catch momentum, after dropping ball tap grass beside stair then fast tap the stair + cancel tap)

      Maybe i will upload video, my english is bad, i can't explain well
    • DDD
    • Meko Guy
      @DDD - Thanks for the video but.... I got the move once and then tapped wrong on the next move and zapper got B. After 50 plus more attempts, it wasn't happening. Sorry - too unstable for me. Even the ball missed 10% of the time? You may want to add the ToA to your list of tricks. This momentum move doesn't seem very intuitive does it? I can see why players are turning off of momentum type moves.
    • Rating:
      I don’t like this style of level very much. My win was slightly different at the step/water/step section.
      B fell fully and landed in the water so when R came and stood on his head i moved B so R fell to the water. R then steps onto the white and B herded R round to the draggable and squeezed him back up.
      DDD likes this.
    • DDD
      @Meko Guy I've never made a list of tricks again on my level, only if someone asks just that
      And the ball missed 10% is not a problem, because often right fill that spot than not successful

      This level i made because some players like challenges, that's why i added the momentum tricks in the first step, if most players didn't like it it doesn't matter, i don't mind
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      DDD and Meko Guy like this.
    • Rating:
      Such a bad and bad and bad experience and this one spoils my mood:(
      DDD likes this.
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