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Traps and tricks

Secret end

Traps and tricks
Val, Sep 8, 2017
    • gmacpro
      I gave up due to the hidden nature of the level. :(
    • chemi
      Level was very nice until the red brick. The "secret end" was little bit weird and unstable I would say... :(
    • Val
      @chemi thanks for playing my level your in the right track :) there is a secret ball inside that if you correct touch, it will fall and touch the red botton end :) if not correct need to restart :)
    • Val
      @gmacpro hi thanks for playing my level :)
      first you need to force R to push the ball that's not hidden..
      Until the ball fall you need that to place correctly for you to get pass in the bottom passage...
      After that find how to get to the first moving short ride.. before to get to the moving long ride all the way to bottom passage.. then if you are in the front bottom passage timing the passage with mr electric R.. becos you will die if not.. then last go to the red bricks..
      It will end :)
      Take note need to go first at the electric r passage before the red brick or else the secret ball inside will not fall correctly :) thanks happy try and try :)
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