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El Muro Trump.

El Muro Trump.
Pinzón, May 4, 2017
stefanovime likes this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Welcome to the forum. The politics aside, there are some great elements here ... the helicopter, the Zapper dogs and of course, the eyes along the wall. The level is also very easy to solve, which I'm sure is precisely your point.
    • Rating:
      I presume political levels are usually removed from the forum, but that this one was let through as its so much fun.
    • nGord
      @Don G Rowe - Yeah, this level wasn't necessarily politically partisan until you made a comment about a preference in real life. I've gone ahead and simply removed the ending of your comment lest it be offensive to anyone. :cool:
    • nGord
      @ridgerunner - It would be grand if the software behind this forum allowed us to vet uploads prior to being made public, but alas we can only moderate after the fact. We hope that anything that is found offensive is reported using the "Report" links sprinkled around the site (like below the level card for uploads). ;) Glad you and others found this level to be fun!
    • nGord
      @Pinzón - Welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing a level! Yeah, we try to keep this place rather friendly to everyone so probably best to stay away from politically sensitive topics. ;) I'll let this upload stand (no pun intended), but I've gone and changed the title (on this page above the card) to be the same as on the level card. Its one of our unwritten rules - so that people can find the level after they've played it in their phone (and thus only have the card title as a reference). Cheers.
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    May 4, 2017
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