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Inverted Paths

0->1->0->1 ...

Inverted Paths
Valentin, May 24, 2024
Denis Nazin and delator77 like this.
    • Valentin
      Hello friends,

      A continuation of the previous level.
      Introducing a simple but delicate machine to understand: the ball inverter.

      I hope you like it?!

      - 70 possibilities for the order of the balls.Only 1 arrangement will make you win.
      - The first balls that fall to the ground, when starting the level, are used for the initial configuration of the system
    • Michael Neily
      This is interesting... You must have worked long and hard on this level.
    • Rating:
      Brilliant! :cool:
      Loved it. Great mechanical logic level.
      I don't recall seeing another level quite like this before :eek:

      I think I played it wrong the first time and got all the stars :unsure:, then correctly the 2nd time, which would have been harder if I'd not already known the formula :(
      A ball stuck once during one play, but that is forgiveable given the delicate balance of this unique level :)

      Thx :thumbsup:
    • ArGee
      @Valentin you may want to consider resubmitting this level, with a locking mechanism on the ramp so it can't be force reset every ball
    • Rating:
      Relaxing logic gameplay with a great mechanism & design... thanks @Valentin :)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Love this! Again I took the pragmatic route and observed first by random order. Then the pattern was easy.

      You made me think about the number of orderings, as I wanted to understand the logic. 2^8 = 256 is the wrong answer. It's 8 choose 4, of course...
    • Rating:
      I love games which require programming like these. Unique gameplay, with integrated step through debugger :)
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A very interesting second version of this idea. Mainly because at this level you added a completely new pendulum mechanism. I really like the pendulum mechanism on this level. Only for this mechanism you can already give 5! This is very cool.:thumbsup:
      But the gameplay is also very interesting and original. Logic is also 5.
      By the way, it only took me 2 attempts, the second time I chose the correct combination and won:sneaky::cool:. You just need to be very careful the first time and look very intently at the mechanism. And then on the second try you can win.
      Of course 5 my friend. Thank you!;):thumbsup:
    • Valentin
      @HARDEST Thanks ! Yes, this level was in a draft place since months :rolleyes:
    • Valentin
      @ArGee Yes it may happen that a ball remained blocked, I made plenty of draft designs, this one is my better option for a smooth experience …
      Thanks for finding the game spoiler. I forgot to put a lock mechanism for the ramp as I forgot to think about cheating ! :rolleyes: Let’s assume it is a way to make an easy version of the level ?!
      ArGee likes this.
    • Valentin
      @delator77 Thank you for your comment :)

      @Block builder You method was the intended one, according to me, for a player discovering the level :)
      Some math because you mentioned it ;)
      The number of different combinations is given by :
      C(8,4) = 8! / ((8-4)! 4!) = 70
      (The previous level Order in balls had 252 combinations.)
    • Valentin
      @Meak Thank you for your comment. Your sharing of your own attempt to create a binary inverter, several months ago, was deeply encouraging :thumbsup: !

      @Denis Nazin Happy that you like this mech ! I didn’t know if people would look closely at their first try or would make some forecast calculations using binary logic. It depends on the player in the end:D. The point is I tried to keep it simple ;). Thanks !
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Oops I forgot to see the tips and passed with trial and error method :p:D. But the gameplay is as much fascinating as the previous :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:.
    • Valentin
      Every method that works is okay to me :D.
      I’m happy of your feedback because the previous level was built to prepare players to this one (that I made first) :)
    • Rating:
      My brain was feeling too lazy to do the maths, so I just watched and counted which balls went where, ;):D.

      Great fun idea, love it!
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    May 24, 2024
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