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Pedro Andrade


Pedro Andrade, Apr 1, 2023
Sammy 5, Curious and Denis Nazin like this.
    • Rating:
      Is there something missing or is this simply a very easy level. Walk up push the ball walk down and capture winblock.
    • ridgerunner
      No reply but this level looks broken. Looking at the back of the level , B could come down one draggable and be pushed onto the other then come down the other side of the escalator. But none of that gameplay at the back is needed.
    • Pedro Andrade
      @Jp the Mekorama, Boa tarde, Jovem.
    • Jp the mekorama fan
      oi Pedro tudo bem?
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I went up the wrong side only to find a triangular block stopped me from moving to the ball! :oops: I restarted and pushed the ball then went down to win. But what was the point of the sliders and the zappers? (B can't use them to cross sides due to the triangular block in the way.) :thinking:
    • Rating:
      I tried using the sliders to the rear but like Chris Hester found my way blocked by the triangular block. There may be a way through using this route that I haven't spotted.
      Regarding using the same escalator for up and down, shortcuts can be very difficult for a designer to spot, I've been caught out many times,. The designer has the intended path imbedded in his head and fails to spot an easier unintended solution. You have my sympathy.
      The concept of the level however is very novel and clever. With some revision of the gameplay it would have attracted a much higher rating.
      Thank you for sharing such an interesting design.

      Tentei usar os controles deslizantes na parte traseira, mas, como Chris Hester, encontrei meu caminho bloqueado pelo bloco triangular. Pode haver uma maneira de usar essa rota que eu não localizei. Em relação ao uso da mesma escada rolante para subir e descer, os atalhos podem ser muito difíceis para um designer identificar, já fui pego muitas vezes. O designer tem o caminho pretendido embutido em sua cabeça e falha em identificar uma solução não intencional mais fácil. Você tem minha simpatia. O conceito do nível, no entanto, é muito novo e inteligente. Com alguma revisão da jogabilidade, teria atraído uma classificação muito mais alta. Obrigado por compartilhar um design tão interessante.
    • Pedro Andrade

      Bom dia, jovem
      Minha intenção era essa, segue o vídeo
    • Chris Hester
      @Pedro Andrade you don't need the sliders as you can just go back down the same steps you went up... :)
    • Pedro Andrade
      @Chris Hester,

      Sim, você está certo, porém, nem todos vão pensar assim, para estes temos que dispor de saídas mais diretas ou lógicas.
    • Curious
      Rotating stairs is interesting, do not understand part under stairs
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I agree with other players - there is a shortcut:rolleyes:. You can go back down the first escalator. I went through twice: both a short way, and completely - it as you intended:sneaky:. There is a simple shortcut:unsure:. On this I will evaluate not the gameplay. I want to support you because I really like the idea of the level and the mechanics and design:thumbsup:. Thank you! I like the idea:D
    • eraryios
      I finished it but i don't understand it.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      I was able to do the shortcut and the intended way with B travelling on the sliders over top of the zappers heads. Really loved the escalator up and down idea, I can envision someone creating a whole MekoMall:D
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    Pedro Andrade
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    Apr 1, 2023
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