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Denis Nazin

Cunning motors

No TRICKS! Classic logic gameplay! Interesting non-standard motors are used. Demo "pendulum motor" and "inertial motor".

Cunning motors
Denis Nazin, Mar 7, 2023
Sammy 5, Mr Lemon, Mekologic and 3 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS! Classic logic gameplay! Interesting non-standard motors are used. Demo "pendulum motor" and "inertial motor".
      Time: 3:05
      ATTENTION! Before playing, check out the demo and instructions:
      To activate these motors - just grab the control box and pull it in any direction

      Pendulum motor!

      It works on the principle of a pendulum due to the gravity (weight) of the lever. Clamp the control unit and hold do not release. The motor will swing like a pendulum. Stop the engine only in lateral positions!!! If the motor stops at the bottom, you will no longer be able to swing the pendulum!
      Inertial motor!
      The motor is in a horizontal plane (if the control unit is in the center!) - it cannot move on its own! He needs an outside force. If an external force acts on the motor lever (another motor or slider or free blocks. the bot has little power - it cannot push the motor!) then the motor will be able to move. Clamp the control box - the motor will start spinning by inertia indefinitely, until another force acts on it or you just release the control box.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Can't remember having seen this ever before. Nice discovery! They are annoying at first, but I haden't read the instructions. Using the motors in this way adds an interesting dimension. And I think you did a good job on implementing it into a gameplay that is intriguing, and not too complex. Certainly in the light of a new control.
      And yes I had to go back to reach the bonus star. :rolleyes:
      Mixing these controls with regular motors might be a challenge. I think such levels get frustrating quite easily.
    • Rating:
    • MekoMole
      A very interesting concept and very cleverly executed. As always I needed the VS so thank you for the time and effort to produce it. The demo cards are also very useful. I like to see a level professionally packaged.

      I found it very difficult to avoid sticking in centre position due to stiffness in my hands but with practice got a bit better. This is the equivalent of being zapped I think. :):p

      Once again I am astounded at your productivity and talent for dreaming up new twists.

      Thank you for sharing.

      Очень интересная концепция и очень умно реализованная. Как всегда, мне нужен был VS, так что спасибо за потраченное время и усилия на его создание. Демонстрационные карты также очень полезны. Мне нравится видеть уровень профессионально упакованным. Мне было очень трудно избежать залипания в центральном положении из-за жесткости рук, но с практикой стало немного лучше. Я думаю, это равносильно тому, чтобы быть запертым. :):п В очередной раз я поражен вашей продуктивностью и талантом придумывать новые повороты. Спасибо, что поделились.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder I am very VERY grateful to you:D;)! Thank you for responding and looking at these non-standard motors. I really appreciate your expert opinion! It is important for me to know whether it was known to the old players or not. It is important for me to understand that I am not in vain doing long explanations and demos. It is very good that they will be useful to players.

      You are a really good mekorama expert - because you wrote everything absolutely right. I think exactly the same as you. I really studied physics and controls for a long time in order to give the players correct and understandable instructions and demos. And you are absolutely right, I thought a lot about how to adequately apply this to the gameplay. But so that it is available - because the effect is new.
      But in order for it to be available, because the effect is new and, in addition to the gameplay, players need to master the skill of working with these motors. I always try to make the levels easier and clearer if there are any new effects or tricks. I am very glad that you understand me!! Thank you.

      Yes, I completely agree with you - about the introduction of this effect into the usual levels. This is not familiar. Because when the player does a complex set of familiar things, he can easily make mistakes on unfamiliar things (such as these motors). But as an independent idea or for small levels, I think this is quite acceptable. Maybe in the future it will become commonplace and understandable to everyone, maybe not.
      Since I have researched these motors a lot - for me their control seems very simple. If you understand the principle of work - it's really simple. But the question is - "will the players want to master this new effect?". Time will show.

      I am really very grateful to you:D;). Your opinion is very important to me
      Thank you very much very much:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Oh Thank you , thank you very much!! Спасибо вам большое прибольшое. Я вам безгранично благодарен. Our language has very strong phrases with great feeling and energy. I can't always translate it into English. Thank you very much!!;):D:D
    • Rating:
      Sorry, my rating got lost due to editing.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Wow, Wow, Wow!!! I am very happy my dear friend that you managed to master this!! I am really very happy! You are well done.
      It is very good that you said what was the difficulty for you. It is very important for me to know this. Therefore, for you and for all players:
      There is one small but very useful tip -
      When you turn the pendulum motor (so that it does not remain in the middle position), you need to release the control unit a little earlier than the lever reaches the extreme position on the right or left !!! Let go always a little earlier - and then it will always be stable.
      I am very glad that you like my inventions. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH:D:D:D:D:D;)
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole My friend, I really want to make you happy! The forum admins fixed it!! Now you can easily and many times edit your comments - the rating does not disappear! It is very comfortable. After you edited the post, you don't see the rating. But he stayed! After reloading the page, you will see it again. Now the rating does not disappear. Many thanks to the administrators!;)

      I also often edit comments, and I am very glad that the rating does not disappear now;)
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      97 NinetySeven
      Denis, Phenomenal new actions. With the demos I understood right away, but finishing them required several restarts because of missed timing. I truly enjoyed this level.
      There is something extra satisfying when completing some select levels - this is one.
    • Rating:
      Karen 2.0
      Awesome motor movements and mechanisms, wonderful design! Thanks Denis ;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Amazing phenomenal discovery of motors!
      VERY VERY interesting effect!:eek::eek::eek:
      Btw... Nice demo cards!:D
      I like the level!:cool:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Mekologic Amazing comment from you:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:! Thank you, thank you very much;). I am very glad that you liked these strange motors. It seems to me that you can come up with even more such non-standard motors:sneaky:. Thank you
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Very cool idea! At first I was very frustrated as the motors kept freezing and I didn't understand the concept until I read your hints. Then after multiple attempts I finally got it and felt very satisfied with myself! Thank you for an amazing level:thumbsup:
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