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Rizal, Jan 29, 2023
    • Rizal
      V S
    • Rating:
      I like the B's final position.
    • ridgerunner
      There seems to be a mech instability problem. R has pushed the ball in the area where R starts and this has allowed B to walk to the win. Restarted and the same thing happened.
      Edit.. there is a delay of up to 20 seconds before the win is possible. No other balls are pushed.
    • ridgerunner
      I liked the full gameplay.
    • Rating:
      I did some thing differently but nothing remarkable... nice final step & a very pleasant design... thanks for sharing @Rizal ;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      For me the mechanism went up too early once. The logic and little secrecy in this level create a wonderful puzzle. I really enjoyed it when I realized what to do with B for the final part.
    • Rating:
      I needed the VS for this one. A bit too complex for this old brain to solve on it's own, lol. Nice play, thanks.:D
    • Rating:
      What a lovely level! I admit I needed the video solution for the first move. I don't know why I couldn't see it. I think the use of the first draggable is non-obvious because of the shape of the draggable. One minor critique is there is probably something you could have done with the style to make it more obvious what the first move is.

      After the first move the rest fell into place pretty well. It took a few restarts to figure out how B and R were supposed to play together on the lower level. I didn't know what was going to happen until the end.

      The level looks very good and I also like that the level looks simple but is still difficult to figure out. I also thought the level was a perfect length of gameplay.
    • shultz
      Oh I also meant to add I also encountered the instability. The second or third time I tried the level, I looked away from my device for a moment and then R somehow won, even though I hadn't done any steps in the level!
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