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Denis Nazin


Meko BATTLE is a whole epic historical film. Where are you the main character! Large-scale battle, "chess" game, the secret of the upper tower, up to the top, and dive into the well, and FATAL FINAL!

Denis Nazin, Apr 19, 2021
EL797, delator77, MomoKeego and 10 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @BlueDragon THANK YOU!!! Yes) that's exactly what I wanted! I wanted everything to be symmetrical and beautiful. Thank you for paying attention to this aspect of the level. I tried very hard!
    • Rating:
      It looks like the helmet and mask of a Japanese samurai.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Helena Спасибо большое. ДА, тут комбинация, не придерживался стиля - просто дал волю фантазии))
      Если вы не против, я буду вам отвечать по русски) чтоб не искажать смысл и не терять тонкость важных интонаций , передающих более точно смысл и настроение собеседника - что ,к сожелению, совсем теряется при переводе!)
      Helena likes this.
    • Blue Tower
      After a long time trying to win this, I gave up as the path was tricky for me. Anyway, nice design.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Blue Tower Hello. sorry. Probably it turned out difficult. BUT! If you know how to pass the level - it is not difficult at all) I think it will be interesting for you - take a look walkthrough.
      and another helper
    • Denis Nazin
      @Blue Tower and thanks for the feedback ABOUT DESIGN. That's important for me. I worked for a long time! Probably it is noticeable))
    • Rating:
      Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      First of all, massive thumbs up for the design. The robot head is nicely built with some hidden dragables to explore. Your hard work has paid off here :thumbsup:
      And as for the gameplay itself, kinda complex to me especially on getting stars on the robot's eyes. Low key note, thanks for the fun of getting rid of those zapper bots. It feels super-relaxing to me.
      Overall, awesome piece of level and I enjoyed it as the exploration goes ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus Thank you very much!!! I've worked on this level for a long time. And I am very pleased with your feedback !!!!
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Although it was dark in spots and I needed to watch the vs for the hidden passage up top to the outside Stars, this was an absolute masterpiece in Aesthetics creativity and hugeness!:thumbsup:
      I didn't see the full effect of the "Transformers" face with horn and eyes until the VS :eek:....very cool and Kudos for an awesome level and for including the vs!!!
    • Denis Nazin
      @Sammy 5
      Thank you very much my friend! I am very glad that you liked the idea and design. I have already built a lot of levels now and I see mistakes that I have grown in my old levels. Now, of course, I would not make hidden sliders and hide them in the shadows. But I did the scale and design for a very, very long time.
      So thank you for your comment!;)
      IAmPogi likes this.
    • IAmPogi
      chessboard game
    • Rating:
      Most definitely needed VS. I had a lot of it figured, but getting in...
      It's a brilliant move; wish I'd thought of it.:(
      Yep, the slider at the well was a big surprise, but it solved two issues. Getting B dumped & accessing the floater.
      One star off for killing our Hero B for the finish. It saddens me; kinda ruins the joy of winning. That's just me... I want happy endings. o_O:p
    • Rating:
      Wow! astonishing design & very nice gameplay that took me a while to decipher, above everything those two stars (the "eyes" of the robot)...
      problem solved with a couple of subtle pushes :sneaky:
      спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
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    Apr 19, 2021
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