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Denis Nazin

Climb by eye

No tricks. Only logic and 1 R-effect - Climb by eye. Good luck.

Climb by eye
Denis Nazin, Nov 25, 2024
delator77 and MekoMole like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No tricks.
      Only logic and 1 R-effect - Climb by eye.
      PLEASE watch the DEMO!!:

      Time - 3:11
      Good luck.
      Sorry, IMPORTANT, I forgot to say - you need timing 2 times.
      Red brick is a hint for timing

      файлообменник файл
    • Valentin
      Hey !
      So happy to find a new level of yours :) !

      Is it a new effect you’ve discovered ? o_O
      I had to watch to the demos to understand as it was the first time I saw it.
      Those bots have such hidden abilities :confused:

      Thanks! Looking forward to seeing new things from you. Fingers crossed.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      What a great & nice surprise when I saw your name in a level's card... lately I've thinking about you cause you have not done levels in a (long) time & I was tempted to write you until I saw your comments in some level so I deduced everything was ok... well, as usual an interesting clean logic gameplay with a really cool R move :eek:... & your classic touch on the design... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
      btw, I hope that you have more levels to share, haven't you? :rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you SO MUCH my friend ;):D.
      Regarding the levels - I have a lot of cards that I didn’t have time to publish:confused::rotf:. For this reason - yes! I have a lot of cards;). The main thing is to find time to publish it all.
    • Rating:
      First I'm glad you're back again
      This is a great level, I like the logic.
      I didn't see the demo while playing it but I'm sure there was a unique movement with the eyes when I saw the title on the card
      Of course this was new to me, and I thought only a long necked bot could do it
      Thanks for sharing,well done :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @alarcon Thank you VERY MUCH my friend ;)
      I'm very happy that you liked :thumbsup:
    • Tui
      Yay Denis missed you:p
    • Rating:
      A clever new move, great design and interesting gameplay so it was no surprise to see who had posted this level. Thanks.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Good to see a level of yours again! It's a weirdly stable move. There are many other details I like in this level too. Like the small slider with metal wedge, that's bring used in various ways.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Yes, I understand what you are talking about. I didn't think about it. Well done:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Добро пожаловать. Движение с лазаньем по глазам очень интересно. Мне нужно было видео, так как у меня была неправильная логическая последовательность, поэтому спасибо, что включили его. Мне особенно понравилось движение мяча головой. Еще раз с возвращением и спасибо, что поделились.

      Welcome back. The eye climbing move is very interesting. I needed the video as I had the logic sequence wrong, so thanks for including it. I especially liked the head the ball move. Welcome back again and thanks for sharing.
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