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Fendi, Jul 18, 2024
    • Rating:
      It's great to see @Fendi has been quite productive lately.:thumbsup: As a mekoplayer and also a mekobuilder, I had a feeling that
      the ball closest to B and the win must not be pushed first and it turns out I'm right.:cool:
      Wasn't sure if R could reach the win but that's the only option I could see and it was good to see the result. Liked the B and L interplay at the other side. Took a couple of attempts to understand the ball slider mechanisms.
      Fendi and ArGee like this.
    • Rating:
      It took me more restarts than I care to admit to figure it out, but what a journey!
      It didn't need any fancy tapping as it is essentially almost trick free but still full of everything: up & downs, half steps, blocks, turns....

      I echo the sentiments of @ohmytian the interplay between B & L was great to see and the finish an act of faith.

      Great level, very engaging gameplay.

      Thanks :cool:
      Fendi likes this.
    • ohmytian
      I wonder how you did it because if I remember correctly, I used
      low ceiling, but only once:rolleyes:
      Fendi and ArGee like this.
    • ArGee
      @ohmytian true, I did need that trick to forward step ;). I'll edit my comment. Thx :thumbsup:
      Fendi and ohmytian like this.
    • Rating:
      Very satisfying level to solve.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very pleasant design & very nice gameplay... always some remarkable move... thanks @Fendi ;) great job!
      Fendi likes this.
    • Ray Aznable
      more players
      should try playing this.
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    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great challenging level! It took me a long time to find the solution. I didn't realize B could make it over to where L was for a long time. From there it was fun finding the path through the house maze. I also liked the misdirection with the balls and sliders, once the final path became clear it was satisfying. I don't actually understand how the win happens inside, but it was cool to watch.
      Fendi likes this.
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    Fantasy Reality
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    Jul 18, 2024
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