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Boring Level

since I don't have any new ideas, I think I'll just upload my old card

Boring Level
DDD, Jul 30, 2022
delator77, MomoKeego, Helena and 6 others like this.
    • DDD
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      your old level back in 2020.
      finally u upload it officially into forum.

      none of any part in this level, is boring.
      you just being humble.

      final part is classic of DDD,
      B stumbled through ball + wedge.
      DDD likes this.
    • Makl
      Surely I'm missing something, because I get stuck right before the finish and am forced to restart.

      Its a fun level, but not so fun that I want to play through the entire level just to try something new that's just going to force me to restart again.

      When low ceiling had B running laps underground, I was so lost and restarted a couple times just because I thought i was wrong.. but I just used deductive reasoning and figured out where to go.

      Mostly straightforward, yet hidden gameplay. Could I please have some help with crossing the four offset balls?
    • Rating:
      Kebetulan aku lagi bosan, karena next levelku gak jadi2. Butuh ide :cry:
      DDD likes this.
    • cimarronline
      I just tapped back and forth a little on those offset balls to get B to fall off into the water beside.
      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      I remember playing this before, but it still was puzzling and fun (and beautiful!).
    • Makl

      I thought so!! But I kept getting stucko_O

      I'll try again. Thank you very much!
    • Rating:
      Wahoo! I beat it this time. Just have to tap with more confidence!

      Love the offset mech and appreciate learning of this final move.

      Enjoyable level through and through. Thanks for sharing!
    • Ray Aznable
      from a thread that contain
      fendi & DDD levels which are not published
      in this forum, but other social media platforms,
      such as IG, twitter, FB, etc.
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      Not at all boring, good B only adventure @DDD + very nice design.;):thumbsup:
      DDD likes this.
    • DDD
      @Ray Aznable You are the first to know about this card through DM, it takes consideration to upload it because imo the gameplay is too straightforward and there is nothing interesting, that's why the title is Boring Level :D
    • DDD
      @Labyrenight sama saya jg lg stuck bikin level :D tp kayanya mau nyobain bikin pake bug starpass gara² kemaren² mainin levelmu jd br tahu trick itu & kayanya menarik, tp rada ragu juga takutnya bugnya dibenerin ada updatean versi baru, jd menyàyangkan klo levelnya gak bs dimainin lg nanti :oops:
    • Labyrenight
      @DDD Kemungkinan besar bug tsb akan diperbaiki kalo ada update. Tapi kalo mau buat ya tinggal buat aja untuk senang2, jadi gaperlu diupload. Ya sebagai pengingat kalo bug tersebut pernah ada. Dan jika bug tersebut diperbaiki tentu saja akan ada hal yang baru, sehingga ada alasan untuk research lagi wkwk.
    • Rating:
      The title of this level shouldn't be "Boring". It should be "Mindblowing!"

      Lima bintang (5 stars) for this mindblowing level!
      DDD likes this.
    • Rating:
      Yes, this level was boring.
      Just kidding. Straightforward ball pushing level. Everything worked out first time for me.
      DDD likes this.
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