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Just count!

Drave, May 28, 2016
    • Bullwyf
      I know binary, i know counting, but can't solve it...too variability imho
      Any hints? Thanks
    • Drave
      Count the number of windows for each moveable cube. The 1/2/3/4 are the number of moves the bot will make, in other words you'll need 4 binary cases, 1 for each move. 0011 for example.
      Ps: right above each cube is a triangular stone block. It is NOT a hidden window.
    • Bullwyf
      @Drave thanks But I don't understand :D
      What does 1/2/3/4 mean?
    • Weders
      @Bullwyf I think he means those giant numbers 1-4 are the places and order of where you are supposed to click, meaning you cant get to the finish line in 1 tap, but rather, 4 different taps in 4 different locations. He says that there are 4 different binary cases, so you have to move things to access the next tap, so on, so forth.
      Drave likes this.
    • Bullwyf
      That was pretty clear...the problem is: 8 movable blocks, they can be in two positions (in or not-in), you have two number for each Wall, each number in binary is a sequence of 0 and 1 of four space (9=1001)...But I try all combinations of in/not-in and can't move the bot at first level (wall with 1)
    • Drave
      @Bullwyf Did you count the number of windows?
      They are 9/7/14/8/5/2/5/11. 1 is for pressed cube. 0 is for not.
    • Bullwyf
      @Drave yes I counted But in another order...from the Wall with 1, then the Wall with 2 and 3, then the Wall with no number, then the Wall from which you see the 4 on the top level...isn't correct?
      However still can't finish it...
    • Drave
      The order doesn't matter as long as you count correctly for each cube. 1101 will be 1° floor"cube pressed"/2° floor"cube pressed"/3° floor"cube unpressed"/4° floor "cube pressed" in this order. You'll need to guide the bot to a floor and only when he arrives can you move the blocks again.
    • Drave
      @Bullwyf You can't consider only the cubes on the wall with the number. You'll always use ALL cubes.
    • Bullwyf
      yes I Use all 8 cubes But it think it was different: to move the bot at first step (the Wall with 1) i supposed to move the 8 cubes using 9 and 7 in binary (the Windows on the Wall with 1) so 10010111...and so on to the higher ground
    • Drave
      @Bullwyf Each cube has their own windows and they do no affect the others. If you only had 3 cubes, for example: 1001/1111/0011. The first cube would be pressed when you're moving to the first and fourth floor. The second cube would be pressed at all times. The third cube would be pressed when moving to the third an fourth floor. It's the same thing with 8 cubes instead of 3
    • Bullwyf
      @Drave ohhhhhh...I think I understand now! Thanks and...great level!
      Drave likes this.
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    binary code breaking