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пекельна собака

For Denis Nazin and the people of Ukraine

пекельна собака
cimarronline, Mar 15, 2022
Mammad and Jom like this.
    • cimarronline
      This is an edited version of @richardfu's Hellhound, offered as a humble tribute to the courage and resourcefulness of the people of Ukraine. Our friend @Denis Nazin lives in Kharkiv which is currently under attack, including civilian areas.

      More than 3 million Ukrainians have evacuated from the country since the war began, half of them children. Many more are trying to find a way out of cities that have been surrounded and are being bombed and shelled.

      Denis wrote:

      "We have humanitarian aid coming in and some stores have resumed supplying food. There is no problem with food at the moment. The only problem is that an accidental bomb or shell could land in our house. Otherwise, all is well."

      "Nature (God) never responds to us with malice. When a bomb hits the ground, many bombs don't grow on the ground. In place of the bomb crater, spring flowers grow. We must take an example from nature! And if we spread aggression and anger in response, we will destroy our planet. Only love and kindness will save the world."​

      And yesterday Denis posted this song he wrote:

      Listen to the voice of the Earth, my friend
      He sounds very softly all around
      He asks only one thing of you

      Peace, the Earth needs peace.
      Peace, we all need peace.

      Hear the voice of the Earth, friends
      the soul will always hear it
      He asks only one thing of us all...

      Hear the voice of the Earth with your soul
      He will never do evil to us
      Let us learn
      From the Earth​

      If you pray, please pray for Denis and his family. If you send a message to Denis, please translate it to Russian, since he can't easily access the translator.

      (Solution video here)
    • cimarronline
      Denis wrote this morning:

      "My dear and beloved friends!!
      I beg you, please do not write any negativity, EVIL, AND AGGRESSION!!!
      It's all over the place right now...
      I see every day how our EARTH copes with the aggression of people - every day it gives us a new sunrise, the singing of birds, beauty and kindness. But human souls cannot cope with the onslaught of black energy, they are losing the war, the main war of our life, the war that is inside of us! Each of us has a choice - to remain human or to become a beast, an aggressor and a hotbed of evil and hatred. Letting all this evil into our souls, we become no better than what provoked it...

      "Let's learn from nature: when a bomb falls on the ground - nature does not grow a lot of bombs on this place (as a person does), nature covers the scar that a person inflicted on it with spring flowers! ...Every day when I see how the souls of people around me turn black, my heart hurts and shrinks in my chest...

      "It is amazing that I (a person who is almost on the front lines, with shelling from absolutely all sides) have to write this and explain to people who are mostly far away and safe. Rejoice in life! Enjoy the beauty of nature and human kindness!!! Give priceless moments of joy of love and understanding to PEOPLE who surround you! Save humanity - with the warmth of your souls...."​
      @cimarronline Господи, зачем надо портить форум политикой?
    • cimarronline
      @MATVADER потому что они разбомбили город одного из наших членов на Украине (ваш друг денис назин).
    • Kanchan yadav
      @cimarronline@cimarronline I am from India and I still hear that there is a war going on between Russia and Ukraine. Are the fightings not over yet?
    • cimarronline
      No, sadly, the fighting is not over.
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