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A bit about me - Thanks!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by dools107, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. dools107

    dools107 Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 3, 2016
    Hi Folks:
    I'm a relative "newbie" and aren't quite sure this is how I go about requesting help. If it's not, please accept my apologies in advance. I tried sending a message to one of the moderators requesting some guidance, but suspect my message never even went through... I'm a real novice when it comes to the internet and searched through the instructions trying to figure out how to send messages to others directly, but am afraid I'm so lame I couldn't even discover how to do that (I also enjoy poking fun at myself).

    As I explained in my "intro," I've been diagnosed with Parkinson's. Amazingly, I'm somehow able to manipulate the basic controls of "Mekorama," or at least just enough to complete the original 50 puzzles (but profess I had to consult YouTube to solve "worst traffic"). I worked hard familiarizing myself with the "tricks" I learned in the various "tutorials" members so graciously provided for people like me, but have been trying to solve some of the more difficult puzzles and it's obvious there are many other tricks I know nothing about. I've tried to solve some of the novel obstacles that weren't touched upon in the original levels by intuition as well as exhaustive trial and error, but am afraid I'm only managing to master the "errors."

    I've been declared "100% and permanently disabled" 4 times now, but have always managed to prove the pundits wrong and struggle back to my job as a criminal prosecutor (what's referred to as an "Assistant DA" here in Wisconsin. The reason I mention that is because prior to being diagnosed with Parkinson's, I missed 3 years of work after being diagnosed as "bipolar" and have some difficulties with concentration and therefore don't want to offend anyone if I seem unable to follow their instructions without lots of "trial and error" on my own.

    Thank you to all of you who've been so kind as to share your efforts and talents with folks like me. They recently discovered 2 tumors in my spinal cord, so I'm now in quite a bit of pain and up at all hours. The puzzles and commentary (as well as the "introductory documents") members have obviously spent countless hours preparing make it possible for lots of folks like me to appreciate how great a game "Makorama" is as we reap the benefits of your hard work.

    Finally, the last puzzle I attempted is "Shuffle Realms v. 1.1." The puzzle itself and the comments prompted me to reach out for help, as they pose or mention a number of tricks or shortcuts Mekorama "professionals" utilize, and made it quite clear there are dimensions to this game I'll never enjoy without some assistance.

    I promise never to bore people with a comment exceeding" 2 sentences in the future!
    Frenzies likes this.
  2. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Pleased to meet you @dools107. Thanks for sharing some of your particularities. On behalf of @Martin Magni and this wonderful community I'd like to say we're glad that we can be a bit of a relief and maybe even enjoyment in your time with us. I do believe that you're in good hands as we've been blessed with generous and conscientious members who are both helpful and patient with everyone. Please feel free to reach out in any means convenient and we'll be happy to help. Nice to have you with us!
    AelJerzhee, Gepeto and cpw like this.
  3. dools107

    dools107 Member

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    Oct 3, 2016
    Thank you all for the welcome. This is a tad embarrassing, but I'm having difficulties navigating this site. Perhaps the most pressing question (the answer of which might help): how do I get in touch with a member directly? When I hit the "mail" icon, it leads to "posts," which seems to require that I communicate with the whole community?

    Thank you very much and have a great day.
    HackedUp likes this.
  4. HackedUp

    HackedUp Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2017
    The mail icon on the top right corner of the site will help you start a conversation with a person at a time or, if you want, a group of people selected by you in that conversation.

    Also there's a chatting community where you can talk about things with either the whole community or personally to someone. Here's an invitation link to it: https://discord.gg/sbknYxt
    nGord likes this.
  5. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    As @HackedUp mentioned, the mail (envelope) icon in the top right should bring up a page like the one in this screenshot:

    A direct link to this page is: https://mekoramaforum.com/conversations/add

    On this page you can choose exactly who you'd like in the conversation by adding their username in the Participants list. Hit the Start a Conversation button only after you've typed a subject heading and your message in the main body (the blank space between the Conversation Title and the three buttons).

    Edit: Oh, and it helps if you send a Private Message (PM) to someone who is an active member of the forum. Please do not be offended, I end up with many unanswered PMs myself. Sometimes the recipient doesn't speak English well or they don't know how to use the site very well either and don't know how to respond. And you should know also that NeoCHI, despite having set up this forum, is not active at all. Furthermore, the mail icon / Contact Us found at the bottom of the site sends a direct email to NeoCHI, who again will likely not respond unless it's a serious message about the site itself.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017

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